嘎桑仁波切為響應嘎瑪古千法王祈願尊貴的 貝諾法王身體健康、長壽,累積念誦祈請文
【尊貴的 噶瑪古千法王給全球白玉弟子的一封信】
Prayer Accumulation for the Good Health and Physical Well-being of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche
為祈求尊貴的 貝諾法王身體健康、長壽,累積念誦祈請文
His Holiness Karma Kunchen Rinpoche of the Palyul Mother Monastery in Tibet, the future successor to the Throne of the Palyul Lineage, has sent out instruction to all Palyul students worldwide to accumulate prayers for His Holiness Penor Rinpoche during this auspicious month of the Monlam Chenmo (27th January – 24th February 2009).
尊貴的 噶瑪古千法王 (西藏白玉祖寺現任住持、白玉傳承法座未來之繼承者),向全球的白玉弟子發出指示,應在此次菩提迦耶祈願大法會的吉祥月份期間 (2009年1月27日 – 2月24日),為尊貴的 貝諾法王累積念誦祈請文。
Each student should accumulate 100,000 times of the 'Vajrasattva's Heart Mantra' (OM BENZA SATO HUNG) and 100,000 times of 'The Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche'. They should also recite as many times as possible of the 'Long Life Prayer of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche' and perform as much as possible 'Lives Releases' and 'Light Offerings'. All Palyul students should dedicate the merits of their accumulation towards the Good Health and Physical Well-being of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche.
每位弟子應累積十萬遍的「金剛薩埵心咒」(嗡班扎薩埵吽 OM BENZA SATO HUNG) 和十萬遍的「蓮師七句祈請文」。弟子們也應盡量念誦「尊貴的 貝諾法王長壽祈請文」、次數越多越好,並盡可能地履行「放生」與「供燈」。所有白玉弟子應將他們累積的福德迴向给尊貴的 貝諾法王身體健康、長壽。
All Pathgate students are encouraged to follow this instruction of His Holiness Karma Kunchen Rinpoche and participate in the accumulation of these prayers between 27th January – 24th February 2009. The text and audio of the ‘Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche’ and ‘Long-Life Prayer for the Third Drubwang Penor Rinpoche’ are available on the Tibetan Prayer & Mantra page of www.pathgate.org
鼓勵所有白玉弟子們遵循尊貴的 噶瑪古千法王之指示,參與2009年1月27日到2月24日的祈請文念誦累積。「蓮師七句祈請文」及「第三世卓望貝諾法王長壽祈請文」的文本及音聲檔可在官方網址 www.pathgate.org 的網頁 Tibetan Prayer & Mantra 找到。
During this month of the Monlam Chenmo, students should make this accumulation their main practice during morning and evening Guru Yoga prayer practices, and their main focus during the day.
Yours sincerely,
Pathgate Office
【奉 住持 尼瑪仁波切 指示】
為響應 嘎瑪古千法王祈願尊貴的 貝諾法王健康長壽,發起每位白玉弟子累積唸誦心咒、祈願文之內容如下:
1.金剛薩埵心咒(短咒) 次數越多越好.
2.蓮師七句祈請文 次數越多越好.
3.尊貴的 貝諾法王長壽祈請文 次數越多越好.
◎ 唸誦時間自即日起至2/24止,以利統計總數(切記:一定要回報唸誦次數,不論多寡),並在2/25將累計總數及功德主名單傳真至印度南卓林寺;所有累積唸誦之心咒、祈請文,在神變日當天以萬倍數的功德力迴向給尊貴的 貝諾法王,祈願法王健康長壽,長久住世.
◎ 祈盼全台白玉弟子們能共襄盛舉,發願為我們心中的明燈、精神導師-尊貴的 貝諾法王祈福,同時亦可為自己累積福德資糧.
◎ 中心備有小蘇油燈,凡到中心來之大德們皆能為尊貴的 貝諾法王點燈祈福
◎ 電話回報專線:02-2218-3980;彭措巴嫫師姐:0930-843-315;范師姐:0912-597-945;翟師姐:0932-031-637.
◎ 下載發願唸頌心咒表格EMAIL回覆的方法:
新店白玉中心 啟 2009/2/6