我要參加 我要祈福


1. 因為身為來自多波地區第一位堪布,承蒙法王之慈悲指示將宏揚廣傳佛法。
2. 尤其於多波地區交通非常艱難,為延續佛法殊勝傳承,與多波祖古仁波切共同也已重建舊寺、社教場所以及小學之興建等工程已完成。應各寺廟需求及要求,將來計畫興建喜瑪拉雅佛學院及醫院等設備於尼泊爾加德滿都郊區,金剛亥母聖地山座,目前購地作業近期將快完成。
3. 自2007年起依瑪貢仁波切之指示,並在台聞思修佛學會邀請來台弘法,目前於台灣等地區以及西方各國弘法利生之中。

( Dolpo Khenpo )
Khenpo Pema Dorje Rinpoche's Biography
Born in Dolpo, a mountainous border area between Tibet and Nepal in 1971 to a poor family, and due to his strong will to attend Monastery, Khenpo was sent to the Shelri Monastery of Dolpo since around six years old and received Refuge vow and Dharma name "Pema Dorje" from the Monastery's Head Lama, Shelri Choktrul Rinpoche. Later on, he began his scholarship of reading and writing of Tibetan scriptures and memorization of daily Buddhist sadhanas under the tutorship of Yogini Ogyen Chokyi.

Since his young age, Khenpo was moved by the life story of Great Saints such as Guru Padmasambhava and Milarepa and naturally arose motivation of renunciation of this samsara. And hence began his learning of preliminary courses of Konchok Chidue under Lama Ngodup Rinpoche and completed its retreat practice.

In 1988 at 18 years old, knowing true practice of Dharma must be build on the understanding from the learning, contemplation and meditation, Khenpo went on to South India and entered the Namdroling Monastery of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, where he received all the vows in gradual step, beginning from the outer Pratimoksha vows, inner Bodhisattva vows and secret Vajrayana vows, besides receiving all the teachings beginning from Preliminary, Three Roots and Dzogchen teachings, Empowerments of Rinchen Terzod, Nyingthig Yashi, Jatson Six Volumes to other profound teachings of Kama and Terma lineages of Nyingma school. Khenpo was fortunate to receive various teachings belonging to the Old and New Treasures lineages from such Masters as: As H.H. Penor Rinpoche, H.H. Dalai lama, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok, Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche, Dungsay Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, Yang Thang Rinpoche, Drikung Togdan Rinpoche, Dolpo Margom Rinpoche and others great masters.

From 1989 to 1999 Khenpo completed nine-year course of Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy at Ngayur Nyingma Institute, during which he studied Buddhist Sutras and Tantras and Tibetan literature under more than 55 scholars and masters.

Since 2003 receiving Khenpo Title at the Fourth Commencement Ceremony of Khenpo Degree presided by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, Khenpo served for eight years under various capacities as Principal, Teacher, Khenpo and others at Monastery Primary School, Branch Monasteries, Tsogyal Shedrupling Nunnery and Ngagyur Nyingma Instiute where he contributed greatly.

1. As His Holiness Penor Rinpoche's wish and direction as the first Khenpo from Dolpo area at the Ngagyur Nyinma Institute, Khenpo has been teaching Buddhism and especially the Nyingma school of Vajrayana Buddhism for the benefit sentient beings.

2. Especially, to rebuild old monasteries in the transportation of Dolpo area. The rebuilding of the old Monastery, teaching facility and a Primary school has already been completed. As requested by many at the Monasteries and organizations, Khenpo's future plan is to build "Himalaya Buddhist Institute" and a Hospital at Sankhu (Holy Place of Vajra Yogini), in the suburb of Kathmandu city. Land purchase for the construction is almost complete.
3. Since 2007, as directed by Margom Rinpoche, Khenpo has been visiting Taipei at the invitation of Thosamgomsum Buddhist Center, Taipei and teaching Buddhism throughout the region and other western countries.
4. Since 2010 He has Open new Centre in Thaichung County Tali city, Himalayan Buddist Centre Khenpo has been teaching Buddhism welcomes all the Dharma brothers and sisters to contact with him for the Buddhist teachings, and also join him in his ongoing projects for the benefit of the sentient beings. Khenpo will dedicate all the merits for the contri