466~The Kagyu Lineage: MAHAMUDRA 格魯 人氣:3468 MAHAMUDRA Mahamudra means 'Great Seal' or 'Great Mudra'. It is a term predominantly used in the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism to denote its deepest teachings. These draw upon instructions from all levels of Buddhism, from sutra through to tantra, to provide a range of approaches to enlightenment suited to various people's needs. Mahamudra enables one to realise mind's innate purity, clarity and perfection, summed up by the term buddha nature, the topic of the third and final phase of the Enlightened One's teaching. Buddha nature theory is excellently presented in the masterly work of Maitreya and Asanga - the mahayana uttara tantra shastra - and mahamudra is effectively the practical implementation of the theory found in this text. Once the pristine nature of mind is known, it is found to be omnipresent. Ther is no one or no thing not stamped with its seal. Hence the name Great Seal. Alternatively, all things are an expression of mind's primordial nature, just as all mudra are expressions of the body. In the secret teachings of tantra -which it would be inappropriate to discuss here - there are four types of mudra, of which mahamudra is the greatest. 碩博學位審議評鑑申請 相關文章:白玉寺土登巴绒仁波切親自發表的公告 starrain 緣氣:(3639) 上一篇(467~Mahamudr) 回目錄 下一篇(465~大手印﹝5﹞Ma)