尊貴的法王 貢嘎多傑滇巴仁波切,是薩迦四大傳承之一-總巴傳承法座的持有者,仁波切出生於西元1977年,是一位非常年輕的傳承法座持有者,13歲時經由尊貴的達賴喇嘛和薩迦法王所認證,是一位德行兼備慈悲親切的仁波切,現在寺廟座落於印度達拉頓(dehradun)。
台灣的弟子或許對於總巴法王的傳承有些陌生,薩迦巴重要傳承有『 1. 薩迦寺系傳承:薩迦崔欽法王。2. 茶爾系傳承:究給崔欽法王。3.哦爾系傳承:祿頂堪布仁波切。4種巴系傳承:多傑滇巴仁波切
。但是薩迦派傳承中卻廣為流傳這樣一句諺語【密咒博通二貢嘎。】這分別是指.哦爾系傳承的哦千貢嘎桑波以及當今轉世活佛多傑滇巴仁波切 ,不但是西藏文字的創造者囤美桑普札的第13代子嗣,蓮花生大士授記的化身。
The Holiness of Trizin, Gongkar Dorjenden Rimpoche, who is the main descendent as the Throne-holder of Sakya. Rimpoche was born 1977, who is a younger Throne-holder.
At the age of 13 , His Holiness The Dalai Lama and His Holiness Sakya Trizin recognized Rimposche as the true reincarnation of the Dzongpa Throne-holder. Rimpoche is a possess both ability and political integrity, kindly and friendly of Rimpoche.
The Buddhist of temple is allocation in Dehradun of India.
Rimpoche was recognized in 1989, and then studied the Sakya of course in the Buddhist College of Sakya over 9 years. Rimpoche got the excellent score and graducated form the College of Sakya. Rimpoche came to perfection and a satisfactory way in Sakya course, inclusive(上師瑜珈、金剛瑜珈母,四臂觀音、白度母、文殊菩薩). The first ceremony will be hold when Rimpoche as the Throne-holder in 2001. Now, Rimpoche will be holde this ceremony again in 2005, we wish every masters come to join and pray to our community , to blessing every people.
The Holiness of Sakya master, the Dzongpa Throne-holder was came from the Temple of Gongkar Dorjedenpa in the south of mountain of (西藏). The temple of Gongkar is allocation in the midway of Gogkar Airport in (西藏拉薩). The history of this temple almost 564 years. The building is antique and majestic. The style idea is come from (金剛界大曼陀羅)
The visitor for holiness come and go in a continuous stream. The researcher come one after the other. The temple of Gongkar named a palace hall of southern in the past term.Because this temple owner a precious of treasure in the south of (西藏). The cultural relics are resplendent and antique. The Holiness of spirit and doctrines of Dzongpa. The wall was painted by Gongkar .who a famous artist, the wall painting is pellucid until now.
轉貼--晉美彭措法王如意寶的遺言 ****** 緣氣:(3905)
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