慈善經濟主義X新論 (七)陳俊吉著
New Theory of Charity Economicism(7)
著作者:國際學士院I.A.E校務長 陳俊吉院士暨中華藝術網創辦人 · 政大企業管理研究所碩士班畢·美國國際學士院I.A.E 經濟學榮譽博士
Frank Chen , writings/Edited. Taipei 2017.12.24
⋯誰偷走你寶貴生命?!(Who stole your precious life?!)選擇正確進化經濟智慧(Choose the correct evolution of economic wisdom),改變你的生命永恆價值!(Can change the eternal value of your life!)。
慈善經濟主義基本理念與行為的假設(Hypothesis of the basic concept and behavior of charity economicism),以永續發展生命生存價值最大化為目的(The purpose of sustainable development of maximization of the value of life for the purpose),生命價值涵蓋範圍有(The value of life Scope):
1‧追求最大化生命生存與精神平衡基本權利 (Pursuit of the fundamental right to maximize the survival of life and spiritual balance or equilibrium)
2‧追求最大化平等教育機會 (Maximize equal educational opportunities)
3‧追求最大化慈善經濟制度(Maximize the charity economic system)
4‧追求最大化慈善經濟權利、自由與機會(Maximize the freedom of opportunity for charitable economic rights)
5‧追求最大化計劃性社會福利制度(Maximize the planned social welfare system)
6‧追求最大化永續綠色地球發展(Maximize sustainable green earth development)
7‧追求最大化全球和平(The pursuit of maximizing global peace)
○Hypothesis of the basic concept and behavior of charity economicism,The purpose of sustainable development of maximization of the value of life for the purpose,The value of life Scope:
1‧Pursuit of the fundamental right to maximize the survival of life and spiritual balance or equilibrium
2‧Maximize equal educational opportunities
3‧Maximize the charity economic system
4‧Maximize the freedom of opportunity for charitable economic rights
5‧Maximize the planned social welfare system
6‧Maximize sustainable green earth development
7‧The pursuit of maximizing global peace
Identity is Maximize the value of life function =Max F(Exist、Spirit、Education、Charity Economy 、Social Welfare、Green、Peace⋯)
於慈善經濟主義有生命價值函數(Life value function)、生命價值效用(Value of life utility)生命價值邊際效用(Marginal utility of life value)法則概念,生命價值法則概念如何與經濟生活融合與應用?!(How the value of Life , the life and the Economic Intergration and Application?!)日常經濟活動中你消費每單位商品/服務對生命價值效用變化程度大小,我們可稱為生命邊際效用,資本主義自利價格需求理論是邊際效用遞減法則(Law of diminishing marginal utility),商品/服務增加消費,欲望滿足效用降低,因此企業廠商提供傳遞差異化欲望需求效用高導向(Delivering Differentiated Desires Needs Hight Utility-Oriented)之商品/服務,如各種熱門遊戲軟體服務,大部分顧客容易身心沈迷(Mind and body addicted)而邊際生命效用遞減,生命總效用減少(The diminishing marginal utility of life reduces the total utility of life)。
慈善經濟主義是利他生命需求理論(Altruism need theory),生命價值效用特性是生命價值邊際效用遞增法則(Marginal utility of life value increases),可使生命不斷提升價值(Can make life continue to enhance the value),例如好的自然、健康,保健/醫藥、文化/藝術、宗教/精神之產品/服務⋯等。
於慈善經濟主義標竿企業(Charitable economy top benchmark enterprises)能提供大部份顧客生命邊際效用遞增且具不遞延消費商品/服務(Not deferred consumer goods/services)是進化經濟正確智慧選擇與可實現境界(The right choice of wisdom and realization of realm in evolutionary economy)。
慈善經濟主義之生命價值邊際效用與鑽石是矛盾的(Marginal utility of life value and diamonds are contradictory),於任何時空或地點互不取代或互補(Replace and complement each other at any time ,place or place),於資本主義邊際效用與鑽石互為矛盾,如於沙漠、水(自由財)取代鑽石,因此於慈善主義利他生命價值邊際效用於生活價值應用大於自利價格理論邊際效用(The marginal utility of altruistic life value is more important than the marginal utility of self-interest price theory),主要利他利已經濟制度與自利經濟之價格導向脫勾(Mainly altruistic and self-serving price -driven detached),解放改變人類百年經濟枷鎖困境(Liberation changed the hundred years economy of mankind economy)。
GCWPA智庫陳俊吉/GCWPA Think tank Frank Chen /I.A.E全球/Global network synchronization serial NPO publish release.