喇嘛網 日期:2009/07/20 NPO  編輯部 報導

Reboots Taiwan

時代雜誌:台灣轉型 加強與中國交流

美國最新一期時代雜誌刊載專文「Rebooting the Dragon」(重新啟動巨龍),受全球經濟衰退重創的台灣努力轉型,積極發展綠能等六大新興產業,要從科技業一枝獨秀轉為產業多元化。台灣同時加強與中國大陸經貿交流,藉此促進經濟成長,並讓台灣成為中國企業的營運中心。






【2009/07/19 聯合報】

Morris Chang is living proof of Taiwan's ability to transform its economy. In 1985, the China-born Chang, once a long-serving executive at Texas Instruments in the U.S., was lured to Taiwan by the government as part of its effort to develop a high-tech industry. He was hired to manage a state-funded research institute, but shortly after his arrival, an influential technocrat, Li Kuo-ting, called Chang to his office and told him: "Think about how you want to start a company." The conversation led Chang, backed by state funding, to found Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), now the world's largest chip foundry and one of Taiwan's most prominent firms. That was just one part of the island's big push. Other electronics manufacturers — makers of notebook PCs, memory chips, LCD panels and other essential components — also set up shop, establishing Taiwan as a force in the global IT industry.

Taiwan: Rebooting the Dragon - TIME 重新啟動巨龍
